The WorksForWeb team is glad to present the version 5.4 of classified software packages. This version has great number of new features aimed to make it easier and more comfortable for use. The enhancements include the followings:
New social marketing features and login capabilities
- The Facebook 'Like' and a Twitter 'Tweet' buttons were added to the listing page that allows visitors to share their favorite listings.
- The new login capability was created. Now people can log in to Auto Software, Real Estate Solution, or General Classified Software with their existing OpenID or Facebook/Twitter/Google accounts.
- Ability to publish and control listings in such social networking as Facebook and Twitter was added.
Improved admin dashboard
Added the ability to redesign the appearance of the admin panel by editing the appropriate CSS files.
Admin panel in many languages
The language of admin panel interface can now be easily changed in the same way as the front-end.
New capability of BMA code
The new version of the Mobile Frontend Addon is entirely comparable with the Banner Management Addon functionality.
The detailed information about these and other enhancements and features you can find at the WorksForWeb website