Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukah and Happy Kwanza!

Dear Friends,

During this holiday season, which is important to many customers and friends of ours, we would like to thank you very much for being wonderful customers and friends. All the feedback you give us helps us make better products, improve our services, or react quicker to your needs.

We certainly expect that better iAuto, iRealty and iLister mean more money is coming to you and your family, new jobs are created around you, and the gloom of economic recession is fading away in your communities. Better networking, more customers, higher turnovers and all that help your services provide to your end clients is a huge difference you yourselves are making in your and other people’s lives around you.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukah and Happy Kwanza to all of you and your families, friends, and business partners! If we failed to mention your special holiday above, may we simply wish you the best of health, wealth, good luck and prosperity for the year to come. Forget about work for a while and enjoy being with your families and loved ones, for you have a great excuse during these holidays!

Yours very sincerely,
A happy bunch of holiday-elated WorksForWeb team members

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

iLister, iRealty and iAuto Classified Software Version 5.2 Released

News - Release 5.2A week before Christmas is marked with a new release of the classified solutions from WorksForWeb, namely, iAuto, iRealty, and iLister The new 5.2 version contains the profound changes in software template system and performance as well as more then 50 enhancements and bugfixes. Just few of them:
  • Template System Globally Modified
  • Listing URL SEO Data Added
  • Listing Caption Modified
  • Picture Carousel Added
  • Image Slideshow Updated
  • Listing Comparison Improved
  • and more minor enhancements and improvements.
Try the new version 5.2 on the online demo:
A changelog is also available for your review: iLister, iRealty, iAuto.
You are welcome to contact, email or chat with our Sales Team. Please send your requests to our Sales Team. We'll be happy to address your inquiries.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We’re 5 Years Old!

December 5, 2010 WorksForWeb holds the Fifth Anniversary of the Foundation.

Dear customers, we really appreciate the years of work and the trust you have in us!

Best Regards,

"I Want My Quote Now!", or Do’s and Don’ts in Formulating Customization Requests

Every working day we get requests from our customers that usually end with something like “Waiting for the quote ASAP!” It is fine with us when requests come well formulated, detailed, and illustrated, but what if they are not? Incomplete requests that lack detail and essence are impossible to work with, take too much time and effort, make everyone go through a nagging and tedious “Whaddayamean by ______ (fill in the blank)?” process, and are simply risky.

When there are risks involved, the cost of such project goes up. We waste time, you waste time, and all of us lose money in the process.

What should we do to avoid all of the above and what is your role in the process being the beneficiary of the project? Read here.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ten Important Recommendations to the Buyers of WorksForWeb Scripts

If you are reading this article now, you must have already realized that you are going to set up a classified website, or you are seriously considering this option. You have obviously gone as far as doing a basic search among the alternatives available on the market.

Many people worldwide start their online classifieds projects, but not all of those projects become cash cows. It is important to start right and to continue the same way in order to succeed. In this article based entirely on our huge experience, we are going to take you through 10 very important steps that you should keep in mind to maximize the benefits from your classified project. Read 10 steps.