Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Long Way to Maturity: a Success Story of PHP As Web App Platform

PHP has been developed into a full-fledged alternative to a number of programming languages and Web development platforms such as Java/JSP, ASP.NET, and Ruby on Rails which are traditionally considered to be more advanced and/or mature than PHP.

Before going to the point, I would first like to give a definition of the concept of programming language maturity. Further on, I will go through the history of PHP outlining the most notable milestones PHP has passed through on its way to maturity. After that, I will highlight the practical outcomes of these milestones. Finally, I will summarize the above and share my views on the future of the PHP software development industry. Read the whole story.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

iAuto, iRealty and iLister Classified Software Version 5.1 Released

The first week of October is marked with a new release of the classified solutions from WorksForWeb, namely, iAuto, iRealty, and iLister Version 5.1 contains a number of new features along with dozens of improvements and enhancements. Just a few of them:
  • Listing Comments - visitors can add comments to listings
  • Report Improper Content - visitors can inform administrator about improper content in comments or listing details
  • New System of JPEG Image Quality Settings – administrator can set the image quality for listings
  • Decimal data type was added to the fields with monetary values
  • IP Blocklist Manager – administrator can block IP or IP range. List of IP/ IP range can be exported or imported
  • Improved Listing Import – listings from several categories can be imported in the same file
  • and more minor enhancements and improvements.
Find more details about iAuto, iRealty and iLister Classified Software version 5.1 release.

You are welcome to contact, email or chat with our Sales Team. Please send your requests to, or respectively, or submit a new ticket. We'll be happy to address your inquiries.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WorksForWeb Classified Software Features: Google Maps in Listing Details

Classified Software by WorksForWeb: Google Maps in Listing DetailsClassified Software by WorksForWeb offers option to display listing address/zip on the built-in Google Map. Users specify Zip Code, Address, City and State while adding ads and the location is displayed in the Google Maps section at the listing details page.

"Google Maps" integrated into a listing gives users a visual, intuitive way to find the seller’s location (or property location).